We’ve been doing update to our customers systems and one of the part what was update Java to new version. With the update we’ve lost our cacerts file. In result Java stopped to trust our self signed certificate: The certificate issued by <..> is not trusted;

To resolve this issue, we needed to add self signed certifate to Java’s trusted certificate list.

> sudo su -
> cd install_directory
> mkdir certs
> openssl s_client -connect remote_host:remote_port 2>&1 | sed -ne '/-BEGIN CERTIFICATE-/,/-END CERTIFICATE-/p' > certs/certfile.txt
> cp java/jre/lib/security/cacerts java/jre/lib/security/cacerts-`date -u +"%Y%m%d"`
> java/jre/bin/keytool -import -noprompt -trustcacerts -alias "mycert" -file certs/certfile.txt -keystore java/jre/lib/security/cacerts -storepass changeit


  1. Since we have our tool installed as root, we need to sudo as root
  2. Change to tool installation directory, replace install_directory with correct value. Java was installed under it in java subdirectory.
  3. Create directory to store certificate to be downloaded from remote host
  4. Download certificate from remote host and store it in certs directory in certfile.txt file. remote_host need to be replaced with correct host name or ip addres and remote_port need to be replaced with correct port.
  5. Make backup of cacerts file
  6. Add self signed certificate to cacerts file. Here’s some important options:

-noprompt - suppress interactive prompting

-trustcerts - set certificate trust attribute to yes and don’t ask from user

-alias “alias_name” - is alias used by keytool to find certificate from the list, if alias is already in the list certificate value is replace, otherwise new certificate is added to the cacerts file

-storepass pass - password for key store, changeit is default